Our Ministries
Pastor Joel and Pastor Jill are both trained facilitators utilizing a system called SYMBIS. More than a million couples have used the award-winning Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS for short) and now–through the new SYMBIS Assessment–they can help you prepare for lifelong love like never before.
Women are the glue that hold most of our families together. They wear so many hats and work very hard, but there isn't always a place where they can spend time with other women without the hassle and the craziness that life brings. We are in the talking phase of providing a ministry tailored to the unique needs of women.
In the middle of a pastoral transition we were faced with a global pandemic. This has forced us to take a step back and reimagine what our Kid's ministry looks like in this current climate, and in our current situation. We are praying about this and expect to have a plan and information available soon!
These are some interesting times aren't they? We are in discussions now about how and what a "Virtual Ministry" looks like through our church. In the very near future you will hear about multiple new virtual ministries that we are going to try.
Today's youth face pressures that we never dreamed of. They are looking for a place where they can learn and test their limitations. They are trying to figure out who they are. They need guidance. They need a safe place to make their own mistakes. They need to know about a God that loves them unconditionally. They need a place where they can feel safe and a part of something. We strive to be that type of place.